Dan poprej sem si zaželel, da mi pozirajo s kipi in o tem sem govoril z Anno - prjatlco iz Indije. Naslednji dan sem jo odpeljal na vlak in ko sem se vrnil, so me čakali. Ne samo to, počakali so, da sem se vrnil s skulpturami in aparatom in takole ponosno pokazali svoje razumevanje vse prežemajoče enosti skozi oko umetnosti.
The day before I wished them to pose for me with the sculptures and I spoke about that with my friend Anna from India. The next day I took her on a train station and when I came back they were waiting for me. And not just that, they were also waiting for me to come back with the sculpture and camera. By doing so they proudly show their understanding of all present oneness throughout the eye of the art.
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